


Introduction of North West Metropolitan Area 


Location: approximately 25km to the North-West of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC)

An existing highway (National Highway 22) provides convenient and direct access from HCMC. A new highway grid (Outer Ring Road 3 & 4) proposed by the HCMC transportation authority will connect the NWMA directly to international seaport and airport of HCMC.

Having a land size of 3 to 5km width, and stretching some 18km length, the NWMA has an area of 6,000ha approxi- mately. Adjoining the NWMA are the following:

• Trans-Asia highway in the East.

• Long An province in the west.

• An-Ha canal in the south; and

• Tay ninh province in the North.


The North-West Metropolitan Area (NWMA) of HCMC, located approximately 25km to the North-West of HCMC, is an area earmarked to support and transforms the on-going economic development process from agricultural- based to services-based.

The NWMA will be developed as a regional centre, offering a modern ecology-friendly metropolitan area; a place promises one of the safest and best environments to live, work and play, in this fast emerging developing nation of Vietnam.

Current status

Presently, there are some 30,000 inhabitants live in the NWMA, with about 5,900 houses mainly distributed along the existing National Highway 22 and Provincial Route No.8. Population density is relatively low, at 5 persons per hectare.

The existing land use pattern is as follows:

• Industry and Handicraft: 0.69 %

• Public Works & Utilities: 0.16 %

• Land Tenure: 24.17%

• Traffic Land: 0.90%

• Cemetery Land: 0.17%

• Agricultural, Fallow Land: 73.91%

Master Plan Vision

The NWMA Master Plan will be a comprehensive regional center to accommodate up to 300,000 populations. The key components of the NWMA Master Plan include:

• For civil use: approximately: 2,300 ha (38.5%)

• Industrial land: 550 ha (9.2%)

•Warehouses and Centerport: 200 ha (3.3%)

• For external communication:  250 ha (4.2%)

• Public central land of the area: 500 ha (8.3%)

(Service, trade, health, culture, sports and physical training, entertainment including health, culture 200 ha)

• Vocational training land: 300 ha (5%)

• Ditches, canals and regulatory lakes: 600 ha (10%)

 • Verdure system: 1,300 ha (21.5%)

When completed, the NWMA will provide:

• Industrial park: with some 70,000 laborers

• Services and commerce field with some 130,000 official jobs

• Public works, domestic and international education - training fields are expected to attract some 60,000 laborers

• New services centers for education and training, commerce, healthcare, sports, arts and culture

Targeted industries and services

• Technical Training and Learning Institution

• Healthcare and Hospital

• Sports and Gaming

• Media and Entertainment

• Consumer Goods and Light /Clean Industries

• Electronics and Telecommunications engineering supporting industries and services

• Food industry

• Automotive Industry

• Transportation and Logistics support industries

Scale of project: Area: 6,000 hectares

Investment form

100% foreign ownership, joint venture, business cooperation contract or build-operate-transfer

Investment incentives

•           One-stop and on-site approving authority - The Management Board of NWMA

•           Self-contained infrastructure (power supply, water supply, telecommunications network, waster water  

treatment, sewerage system)

•           Abundance of both skills and semi-skills labor force

•           Duty-free and bonded zones

•           Essential amenities (university, technical training center, public services)

•           Operational support (estate management, maintenance services, security services, logistics services)

•           100% foreigner’s right to use/operate leased property/lands


Project Developer

Northwest Metropolitan Area Authority of Ho Chi Minh City

86 Le Thanh Ton street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Tel: 84-8-3824 9109/ 38299330 Fax: 84-8-3824 9108
